How can I use PSMail to set up a webpage or display an image library?

PSWeb is a web tool included with every PSMail subscription. It helps you create online image libraries, newsletters, and simple webpages. Read more for further information and for setup instructions.

Sending large numbers of pictures or a widely distributed newsletter through email can sometimes be a hastle. A simple way to communicate with groups of friends, family, or collegues is to post your content (whether it be images, family updates, a Christmas letter, etc.) to a personal webpage which all your contacts have access to. PSMail has made this possible by including a web tool called PSWeb with your subscription.

PSWeb allows you to create up to ten picture libraries and ten individual web pages, all placed securely on the Internet so only those to whom you’ve given a password have access. The following instructions will walk you through some of the basics needed for setting up your own PSWeb content. (NOTE: PSWeb has been tested on Internet Explorer 6, Firefox 1.5, and Safari 2).

Accessing PSWeb

Step 1: Log onto your PSMail account.

Step 2: On the left-hand sidebar, click PSWeb. This will take you to the PSWeb Control Panel, a menu for creating and controlling all your PSWeb content.

Creating Picture Libraries

Step 1: Once you’ve logged into PSWeb, you can easily create picture libraries to display your images on the Internet. Remember, if you choose to prevent unauthorized users from viewing your content, you can password protect all PSWeb content (instructions for enabling the password protection will follow). To get started, click Upload Pictures.

Step 2: Enter a title for your first picture library in the field next to Library Name. For example, if all the pictures in this library will be from a family vacation, you might title the library “Miller Family Vacation, June 2010.”

Step 3: Next, chose how many pictures you want to upload at a time. This option is located in the second bullet point. Simply click on 10, 20, or 30 to indicate how many pictures you want to upload. For example, if you have 6 pictures, you would click on the 10; if you have 18 pictures you would click on the 20. You can always go back and add more pictures to the library. (NOTE: 30 pictures is not the maximum amount of images you can have in a library. It is only the maximum you can upload at one time.)

Step 4: Click Browse next to each Picture File field to select each individual picture you want to display. Chose your pictures from your computer’s image software (iPhoto or Windows Photo Gallery for example).

Step 5: When you have chosen all the pictures that you want to upload (or all that you can upload at one time), click Upload in the bottom right corner of the screen. Once all images say “image was compressed for web publishing” your download is complete.

Step 6: You can now click on Manage Pictures to view your images, email your images, delete image folders, etc.

Creating Web Pages

Step 1: With PSWeb, you can also create single web pages for use in displaying your images, posting a newsletter or family letter, or keeping family and friends up to date on things that are happening in your life. To get started, click on New Web Page from the PSWeb menu.

Step 2: First you need to chose a template for your page. Click on the Template drop down menu and explore the options. Remember, you can change the content and graphics of the template to meet your needs. At this point, you are only concerned about the style/look of the template that you select. When you’ve chosen one, click Continue.

Step 3: Enter a title in the Title field. You can now change content and graphics on the page. On the right-hand sidebar are links to the pictures you have uploaded as well as to additional clipart taht we’ve provided.

Step 4: When you are ready to save your work, click on Publish/Update Web Page. Your webpage is now online. To view your page(s), click on Map URL from the PSWeb menu. This shows you the Internet address for your images and pages.

Making Your Content Secure

Step 1: Click on Access Control from the PSWeb menu. To require a password for access to your images and webpages, click the first button and enter a password. To allow unrestricted access to your content, click the second button. Then click Update.


These basic instructions should get you started. The PSWeb version now available is a preliminary version. As you experiment, we would love your feedback: please email us at As always, if you have technical problems or questions, please contact our Helpdesk.

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